Friday, September 3, 2010

Job Hunting

Hey guys,
Haven't wrote here in a lil while. Nothing been going on to write about lol.

But after I got my license, like three or so days later I sent in my resume to Temple View Lodge place to clean rooms and I was all excited because they told me I have an interview. But the day of the interview I found out that the position wasn't only for cleaning, it was for being at the front desk too. And I am not interested in doing that and I kind have phone fear with ppl I don't know lol. So I canceled it. I am still looking for a job. Because I wanna do something that I know for sure that I can do and that I won't mess it up. Know what I mean? So until I am able to find a job, I am gonna babysit or something than I can get at least some kind of money.

Boy! This week has been not good for my family. First my brother ends up having my parents take him to the ER, because he had a bad pain in his kidney area and had to go check it out and they did test and xrays and stuff on him. After a few hours they figure it's just Kidney Stones. Hope it's just that. But than yesterday, my dad ends up needing to go to the hospital because he got a bad pain in his leg. He thought maybe he was getting heart problems or maybe a blood clot. But it had something to do with his blood pressure and the blood veins in his feet because of his smoking, or something like that. So they gave him some meds to help. He needs to just quit smoking. He'd feel a lot better.

The first part of this week, I met a guy and he was really cute and was in the army. He worked on the mechanic stuff. But anyways, we seemed to hit it off the first day we met but after, not so much. But oh well, there is other guys out there. I don't even think soldier boy was LDS. And I really want someone who is LDS. Because I want someone who can take me to the Temple. That is the most important thing to me right now. I won't  change that for anyone.

I wanna get married in the Manti Temple. I think that Temple is just so beautiful and it looks so awesome sitting up on the hill. I think that's one of the reasons it looks pretty.

But yeah, I want someone who is LDS, because for one, to marry in the Temple and two, so our standards/morals and values are the same. And I know how I'll know if someone is the one for me... he'll be the person that I wanna be a better person for and just be the best person I possibly can be. And another is if I spend time with him, when I get home... I am smiling a lot and can't stop lol. Hopefully I'll met that man some day. Even though the waiting is tough and rocky, when I finally meet him, it will all be worth it! :)


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