Friday, August 13, 2010

Hey Everybody!

So, I finally got a blog. Took me a long time to figure out how to make one lol. I would get all frustrated than just deleted it but a friend helped me out with it and here I am lol.

But anyways, I have finally been able to finish getting my license which is a huge deal to me. I should have it by next week. I am so excited and happy that doing this is a start for me to have a life and the way it shoulda been yrs ago. I can't wait!! Than as soon as I get my license I am gonna go look for a job. Than before I know it, I'll have my own place. That'll be awesome. =]

We've been living in Manti now for like....almost 4 months now. It's been pretty much ok so far. Been a little boring. Haven't met too many ppl my age yet, I can thank my shyness curse for that haha. I hate being shy. It's such a dumb thing to be. I need to find a way to snap out of that lol, things would be so much easier if I could.

Once I get my license I am gonna try and start going to the singles ward/activites. That will be so good for me and an easy way to meet ppl. That's scary and exciting at the same time. Maybe once I'll be going to those for a little while I will meet new ppl and have some friends to hang out with. Because being at home all the time is no fun at all. I need to be out and a bout doing things lol. Than even maybe I'll also meet "someone" lol. Now that would be so awesome lol.

Wanna know something sad? For right now, I think I'd rather have a boyfriend than friends. Because I've had so many friends and most of them have let me down like majorly bad and it made me have trust issues with being friends with ppl. It's hard for me to get attached to a friend because I worry that they will either move away, or is a two faced person they are one day your friend, the next they dont want nothing to do with you, or they just stopped being your friend all together and you have no idea why. They just always seem to have a way of letting me down a lot. I had some friends, one in particular that I thought we'd be best friends for life but something changed and he no longer is in my life anymore. And reason why I say boyfriend instead of friends is because, I feel like there is something so special about a friendship bond than a relationship bond. And that's why it hurts me more when a friend breaks my heart than a bf. And thats another reason why I'm having troubles finding new friends. It sucks. But enough about all this sad stuff lol.

Oh, I totally forgot. I started reading The Book of Mormon on June 3rd and I finished on Tuesday. That made me so happy. And that was one of my goals to complete and I did it =]. I was suppose to be done reading it on July 31st but things came up and it took me an extra 10 days to finish. But I think it's great that I finally read it. For whoever hasn't yet, I suggest you do, it's an amazing book. You won't regret it! =]

Well I've made this blog long enough for my first one lol, I will let you go whoever is reading and I will "blog" again soon lol. Talk to you all later and thanks for reading. =]


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